We run all our surgeries via an appointment triage system. Appointments for Practice Nurses can be booked by telephoning the surgery, or completing a KLINIK request form.
Book a same-day appointment online
Patients registered at The Mount View practice can contact us via our online service. Our online service means you can submit any medical query, including requests for a non-routine appointment during normal surgery hours via The Mountview Practice website.
Find out how the service can help you here.
Home visits
If you are too ill to come to the surgery and you require a visit at home, please call the surgery before 10.00am or as early as possible after 8am or use our KLINIK service. Home visits take up more of a doctor’s time than a consultation in the surgery, so if you are mobile please come into the surgery to be seen.
Cancelling an appointment
To help us offer appointments as soon as possible to as many people as possible, please cancel any appointments you no longer require.
Telephone the surgery as soon as you know you no longer need your appointment in order for it to be cancelled.
You can also cancel appointments online using Patient Access.